If you find it challenging to get enough minerals through your diet, SHIFT™ MultiMineral can be a practical solution with its wide range of essential minerals in easily absorbable forms. SHIFT™ MultiMineral makes it easier to support your body's daily need for minerals and contributes to good health over time.
What are minerals?
Minerals are inorganic substances found in soil and water that the body is completely dependent on to function. They are divided into macro minerals, such as calcium, magnesium and potassium, which the body needs in larger quantities, and trace elements such as zinc, copper and iron, which are needed in smaller quantities but are equally essential. Minerals must be consumed through food and drink and possibly through supplements. The body does not produce them itself.
Functions of the minerals
Minerals have many crucial functions in the body. They help maintain healthy bones and teeth, regulate fluid balance, and support normal muscle function and nerve transmission. Minerals are also involved in energy production, the immune system, and the formation of red blood cells. Each mineral plays a unique role, and an adequate amount of these nutrients is necessary to maintain the body's overall health and well-being.
Dietary supplements with minerals may be necessary
Although a balanced diet is the best source of minerals, several factors can cause mineral levels in our food to be lower than optimal. Modern farming methods and depleted soils can reduce the mineral content of fruits and vegetables. In addition, the processing and preparation of food can lead to further loss of key nutrients. For people with specific dietary restrictions or increased needs due to stress, illness or physical activity, it can be challenging to get enough minerals through food alone. Then a dietary supplement may be necessary.
SHIFT™ MultiMineral
SHIFT™ MultiMineral is a broad-spectrum mineral complex that combines nine essential minerals and trace elements in an easily absorbable form. This supplement is formulated with predominantly organic mineral compounds, which provide high bioavailability and are gentle on the stomach and intestines.
SHIFT™ MultiMineral contains potassium, magnesium, zinc, molybdenum, selenium, manganese, copper, chromium and iodine. We have deliberately chosen to omit calcium as it competes with magnesium for absorption in the body. Most people get sufficient calcium through their diet, but not enough magnesium. Those who need extra calcium are recommended to combine SHIFT™ MultiMineral with SHIFT™ Calcium Extra, which also contains other important micronutrients for calcium metabolism. The supplements should be taken at different times.
Iron has also been omitted because we want the product to be used by both men and women and men rarely need iron supplements. Excessive iron levels also have pro-inflammatory effects in the body, so it should only be taken by people who know they have an iron deficiency.
One tablet of SHIFT™ MultiMineral covers 50% of the reference intake for the minerals it contains.